By Jujiflle
United Kingdom
Any suggestions to improve sweet pea flowering please? I have a few plants trained up bamboo canes in a pyramid with plenty of fertiliser and water given but flowers a bit sparse.
16 Jul, 2014
What are you feeding with? If it is something that encourages leaf growth then you won't get flowers.
16 Jul, 2014
It's a combination of several things.
I'll be starting a real time sweet pea blog after Wem sweet pea show on Saturday. That will answer all your questions.
In a nutshell, it's variety, when you start them off, how you overwinter, planting out, what you grow them in, and water. Get any one of those wrong and you won't get good sweet peas.
Having said that, it hasn't been a good year for sweet peas. Lot's of top exhibitors struggled early on to get blooms. It was basically I think too mild in March and April. Mine grew strongly but refused to produce a decent stem until mid June ( usually mid May). Though since then they have been pretty steady and are only just starting to lose a bit of stem length.
16 Jul, 2014
my sweet peas are not flowering wonderfully this year....although, like you, I have fed and watered. Perhaps it is the season. Although we have had good growing weather here.
16 Jul, 2014