Been asked to take cuttings of my white and purple buddleia for a friend
By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Buddleia. Been asked to take cuttings of my white and purple buddleia for a friend. When and how to do so? Assume not too hard as they self seed so easily. Thanks.
19 Jul, 2014
Patfran- thanks for those instructions. Will try and do it asap however the rain is coming down quite hard now so will have to wait.
19 Jul, 2014
Patfran, you could add a pic to you photos page and tell the questioner where to look?
19 Jul, 2014
I have just done the same. Take a cutting about 6" long from a non-flowering stem. Strip the lower leaves, leaving one or two pairs at the top. I nip out the growing tip too, not sure about that . Cut the stem just below a node where you have stripped the leaves making the cutting about 3-4 inches long, Dip in rooting powder if you have any or put straight into a pot of compost. I then pop it in a sheltered position and hope for the best. I have also used some of my dry prunings from the tree as plant stakes and these have actually taken root too and I now have more bushes in the garden as I could not bear to throw them out! I would add a photo but I'm not sure how!
19 Jul, 2014