By Roythefoot
United Kingdom
Hi these are my Plumeria Fragipanis that I grew from seed last Oct/Nov (all at the same time) if they survive another winter and IF !!! we get some nice sunshine next year does anyone think the larger one might flower ? Also I've included a photo of the OHs orchid does anyone think there's any chance of resurrection , or is it one for the compost bin as I said ?

20 Jul, 2014
Thank-you WLB fingers crossed then, Roy.
20 Jul, 2014
There's not much wrong with your orchid. The leaves look healthy enough. Cut off that old white flower stalk and water with rain water - every couple of weeks but don't let it stand in it. I've got three now (not by choice) and one is just about to flower at long last.
20 Jul, 2014
Thank-you Cammomile I'll tell her to do that, Roy.
20 Jul, 2014
Previous question
possibly the bigger plant may flower it just depends on the environment its growing with the orchid it dosent look very good but keep caring for it,if the leaves start to dry up then bin it.
20 Jul, 2014