By Joy123
United Kingdom
How to you control aphids on lupins and why do they destroy the whole plant
Asked from the GoYpedia
lupins page
11 Jun, 2010
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They have killed all the flowers and the plants are just wilting now, can they be saved or do I have to cut them right back, thankyou for your reply
11 Jun, 2010
Unlikely to be aphid attack that's killed the whole plant - are they wilting through lack of water? Remove any dead flowerheads and stalks, and dead leaves.
11 Jun, 2010
Lupins are also loved by slugs,
11 Jun, 2010
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Spray with a systemic insecticide - that way you'll only have to do it every 2 weeks. I know lots of people recommend soapy water, etc., but you'd need to do that at least once a day to keep them at bay.
11 Jun, 2010