By Brindle
United Kingdom
are gunnera poisonous to fish, we have one overhanging our pond?
24 Jul, 2014
Not as far as I know, as Badfish says, they are pondside plants both in the wild and in the garden.
24 Jul, 2014
gunnera are very huge plants with massive leaves(didnt expect that) ,i thought they were going to be delicate plants since they are pond plants that grow on the margins of ponds but i guess ive learnt something new.
25 Jul, 2014
Yes, Wildlife - photos usually show people standing under the leaves. Alternatively a less than scrupulous seller will just tell you that the leaves are like rhubarb.
There is a small version G.magellanica.
25 Jul, 2014
We have G. megallanica and it is great!
25 Jul, 2014
God no.....they're a water loving plant. I have several huge Gunnera which grow into a large pond containing a couple of thousand fish.
24 Jul, 2014