By Willows
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
My hostas are being eaten very badly, but its not snails or slugs that are the culprits, it seems to be some sort of insect or fly. Every year before the shoots appear I spray the hostas & continue to spray throughout the season but to no avail...they are still being eaten. I am spraying with 'Tumblebug', I have also tried various other sprays without any success. Can anyone help please for next year.
25 Jul, 2014
Its usually slugsand snails and they are very good at not being seen. If you don't want to use pellets there's now a liquid that you water on the leaves. Worth a try anyway as the tumblebug doesn't work.
25 Jul, 2014
Try SLUGCLEAR.water on leaves and on the roots.
26 Jul, 2014
What made me think that is wasn't slugs or snails because the pots that the hostas are in are very shiney & has lavers of gravel covering the top of the compost also I have them standing on a bed of gravel, which I thought would have deterred the little devils from coming anywhere near but not so. Also lots of the leaves have small holes in them & that made me think of insects etc . Today on close examination I have spotted some snails & I must say very well hidden. Thanks
26 Jul, 2014
Thanks for the advice, you were correct there were very well hidden & I will try that liquid.
26 Jul, 2014
Great, I will definitely try Slugclear Thanks
26 Jul, 2014
Hi, it doesn't sound as though your hosta's are being eaten very badly, it sounds as though they are being eaten very well :-), Derek.
27 Jul, 2014
Well slugs and snails are the experts after all Derek...
27 Jul, 2014
Hi Sue, indeed they are, :-), Derek.
28 Jul, 2014
28 Jul, 2014
Previous question
What makes you think it's not slugs or snails ?
25 Jul, 2014