By Slimdil
United Kingdom
Hypericum invasion!
Not really a question - just an observation. As much as I like Hypericum, it seems to be taking over my garden. I didn't realise how invasive it is. When we bought this house 10 years ago there were 2 bushes - now there must be about 30! I hate having to dig them up though!

25 Jul, 2014
Not a clue I'm afraid. There seems to be at least 2 different kinds - both pretty with yellow flowers. After the flowers finish there are black berries. I'll take a couple of photos in the morning.
27 Jul, 2014
I've added a couple of photos. Not sure about the third one - is it a type oh Hypericum?
28 Jul, 2014
Oops - I added another 3 photos and the first three seem to have disappeared!
28 Jul, 2014
It looks like one of the wild ones, probably androsaemum. I didn't know they were so invasive!
28 Jul, 2014
Just out of interest which hypericum are they?
27 Jul, 2014