potatoes - too much foliage
By Fergus0113
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I plant several varieties of potatoes in bags as advised then lay the bags out in rows next to each other. They provide a great deal of foliage such that I have to provide support. The plants seem to want to keep growing foliage rather than flower. Am I planting the bags too close?
12 Jun, 2010
Thanks Moon grower. I planted them in special ones and recycled ones. All earthed up as the plants grew.
I get much more growth on the shaws than I have seen anywhere else.
12 Jun, 2010
Very odd - it is possibly just because they are in bags rather than in the ground but that is only a guess!
12 Jun, 2010
Hi Fergus and welcome to GoY. What sort of bags did you plant the potatoes in grow bags or the special ones for growing potatoes? Did you earth them up to help support the stem/shaw?
12 Jun, 2010