By Ant
United Kingdom
I have a south facing rear garden and I would like to provide some screening from my neighbours in one patch of the garden, Can anybody recommend a shrub which is quick growing, will provide year-round screening, tolerates quite heavy clay soil, reaches 10-12 feet in height and if possible, is bee-friendly ?
12 Jun, 2010
thanks Bertiefox - sounds like I'm going to struggle to find something which will satisfy all of my criteria. I have quite a lot of wildlife-friendly plants already in the garden so I guess I'll go with the conifer option (if I can find a reasonably attractive one). Alternatively, I have seen some buddleias which, although not evergreen, seem to provide a lot of 'woody' screening (and they seem to grow quite quickly).
14 Jun, 2010
Buddleia globosa which has the round orange balls of flowers, grows into a largish shrub, doesn't need to be pruned radically back like buddleia davidii, and is the only buddleia that honey bees can visit (the nectaries are too far back in the flowers for honey bees in budd. davidii.) Maybe this might be a good choice.
14 Jun, 2010
sounds ideal ! - thanks very much for your help
14 Jun, 2010
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The year round screening is the requirement that creates the problem, as you then limit yourself to things like laurel or conifers, neither of which are bee friendly or particularly beautiful. Beech retains its leaves during winter, but again is not a bee plant.
There are various acid-loving shrubs which have evergreen leaves and flowers which attract bees, but I will have to leave it to someone else to give you some more helpful suggestions.
12 Jun, 2010