By Barryeustace
United Kingdom
are senetti hard to grow year after year
On plant
26 Jul, 2014
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« I'd like to purchase a Jabobite rose ,but some say it's alba maxima and some...
Hi, welcome to GoY, first of all senetti is a brand name, not the name of the plant, which is Pericalis x hybrida, which was originally called Cineraria x hybrida, or florist's Cineraria, which was bred for the royal gardens in 1777.
Although officially a perennial, they are usually grown as an annual from seed each year, although you can take semi ripe cuttings in summer, they are frost tender, and should be kept at 45 to 50 f in winter, although they will stand short periods at 35 f, so I would say the answer to your question would probably be yes they are quite hard to keep from 1 year to the next, Derek.
26 Jul, 2014