By Scotsmist
United Kingdom
I'd like to purchase a Jabobite rose ,but some say it's alba maxima and some say semi plena, help ,please
26 Jul, 2014
thanks,(realised I'd put Jabobite),someone said it was a 5 petal rose,so I wasn't sure. I know Prince Charlie was supposed to have picked picked one on route from Glenfinnan to Fort William,and put in his hat.Thanks again-scotsmist
27 Jul, 2014
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Hi, welcome ti GoY, the Jacobite rose is Rosa x Alba, cultivar Alba maxima, semi plena is 1 of the oldest roses known, and R Alba was originally a "sport" of this, Alba Maxima is the double flowered form of the white rose of york, so whatever you call it, it is still a Jacobite rose, Derek.
26 Jul, 2014