By Spoonerjune
United Kingdom
Are datura plants poisonous to touch or safe to have when children r about.
26 Jul, 2014
I have large, species Datura and Oleander in my conservatory and the grandkids are always over. I wouldn't recommend they touched it and then licked their fingers but i'm possibly being over cautious
26 Jul, 2014
I think we can get too obsessed about plants being toxic. Far more important to teach your children/grandchildren to not touch anything in the garden unless they have okayed it with you! A huge number of plants are toxic to a greater or lesser degree!
26 Jul, 2014
Moon grower is quite right. I can't find a single reference to anyone having problems from touching Datura. This is spite of the fact that it kills quite a few of the people who experiment with its psychoactive properties.
You'll never remove every potentially harmful substance from your house/garden so it is a matter of not letting children have free rein until they are old enough to be taught.
27 Jul, 2014
I seem to recollect a discussion initiated by a question about children and garden pond safety TPG and the final consensus was that it was best to let children be on their own and let them learn from their mistakes. A question TPG, is this the plant they call loco weed that I heard so much about in the cowboy movies?
27 Jul, 2014
I guess it depends on the age of the children. Very young ones might be tempted to touch them as they are so attractive, but older ones should be taught as the others have said. If an older child is never exposed to any kind of danger and taught to respect it he could be a danger to himself and others when he gets older.
I used to play that laburnum pods were peas when I was very small, but was very clear that under no circumstances where they to be eaten!
27 Jul, 2014
Loco weed is not usually applied to Datura but the trouble with common names is that they get applied to different genera. I can't say that no-one has ever called a Datura loco weed.
Once children are old enough to understand risk they should most certainly should be given some freedom.
But, when people tell me they intend to get rid of a poisonous plant 'because of the children' I ask if they've removed all beauty products and cleaning materials because they cause many more accidental poisonings than plants.
27 Jul, 2014
Exactly TPG!
28 Jul, 2014
I found this post when trying to find out if I had put myself in danger by manually removing spent blossoms and potential seed-heads from my intoxicatingly aromatic (bird-planted) datura plant. My hands felt strangely sticky after my low-light efforts and immediately after washing my hands twice, they began to tingle for a very short while. A day has since passed and I am still alive, so I think I'll continue to deadhead the blooms and their bases, which must become the thorny seed balls.
21 Aug, 2017
Why not just wear rubber gloves for the job if it concerns you?
21 Aug, 2017
Agree with Stera. wear marigolds!
21 Aug, 2017
It's great to read these comments. I too have a Datura in my conservatory and have been considering getting rid of it because of its toxicity - think I'll hang on to it! Doesn't smell very good though!
7 Sep, 2018
Previous question
Yes. This plant should not be touched without gloves on. I bought a packet of datura seeds and grew it in my garden once and in my opinion it is a nasty vile smelling plant, not to my liking at all. My wife suggested that I remove it and I did.
26 Jul, 2014