By Lovegardens
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi all,
Could someone please advise?
I planted a dwarf apple tree 2 years ago in the garden .
The outer coating of the leaves seem to be peeling away, could someone please advise. I have googled it and thought it might be leaf miner and it said to take affected leaves off but being only a young tree I am reluctant to do this. Is there any thing I could use to stop this, organic treatment if possible.

26 Jul, 2014
Unless you are organic you could try a systemic insecticide as its only a little tree and wouldn't need much. . This looks similar to damage I 've had on my damson which went on getting worse until I reluctantly sprayed it. If you decide to try do it at dusk after all the flying insects have gone. I feel a bit guilty suggesting this - its up t you to decide.
27 Jul, 2014
Thank you
Loosestrife and steragram
Steragram could you advise me which systemic to use ,as I am totally lost looking at all the different ones and getting confused about them
28 Jul, 2014
I don't know much about brands Lovegardens, as I only use one if absolutely nothing else works. Avoid one containing the one that's killing bees and birds, nicotinamide. You could ask for advice at your local nursery.
28 Jul, 2014
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Don't do anything at all. Your tree will be ok. Don't remove any leaves that was very bad advice.
26 Jul, 2014