By Cottagekaren
United Kingdom
Hot coloured plants....I'd love some suggestions for hot coloured perennials that will reach 5-6feet high please. I have a big gap at the back of my 'hot bed'!
26 Jul, 2014
Thanks Bllomer. I have yellow Lysimachia in the golden border. Does Lucifer really get that tall? I've always thought of Crocosmia as a three foot plant!
26 Jul, 2014
Mine are huge, may be thinking of the shorter varieties,but Lucifer is a 'in your face' red ! it doesn't get much hotter :o)
26 Jul, 2014
Thanks! :))
26 Jul, 2014
Recent photo on Page1,end of 2nd row,if you want to check it out.Karen..Even bigger now,and had to support them..
26 Jul, 2014
Helenium autumnale - 5 ft, Helianthus decapetalus also 5ft. I had a great long list but lots were only up to 4ft tall. I've seen tall Turks head lilies which thrived in a sheltered position but can't remember what colours they were. Lilium Shuksan Bellingham hybrids - 7ft tall.
26 Jul, 2014
I'd say heleniums as well, although you may need to protect the young growth from slugs if your garden is anything like mine.
26 Jul, 2014
Heliopsis, Phlox paniculata, some of the taller kniphofia, Lythrum salicaria, arundo donax versicolour (i know, it's a grass), Eupatorium purpureum
27 Jul, 2014
Thanks! You've mostly suggested Helenium, which is what I am already growing there....I need something to go behind them! I have a 'Lemon Queen' perennial sunflower, and need something to go beside her. Similar height. I might just get another Lemon Queen and use her as the backdrop across the whole width of the border. That is probably the sensible thing....or the really tall Inula. I've always fancied that, and this is the perfect spot for one. I may go shopping today and see what is in the Nursery at Arbroath. They always have lots of gorgeous perennials. Thank you all very much! The tall lilies sound lovely too. Thank you everyone!
27 Jul, 2014
And silphium perfoliatum grows to seven feet or more (I posted a photo of it recently)
27 Jul, 2014
Ooh, never heard of that to google it now!
27 Jul, 2014
now you've reminded me of Ligularia....would be super there with it's deep red leaves. The clay may also hold enough moisture for it.....another possibility! Thanks....don't know why that plant made me think of Ligularia......the way my mind works is a mystery, even to me!!
27 Jul, 2014
I have eupatorium chocolate (Ageratina) that's about 5ft at the moment but it does have white flowers? :) I'm thinking of foliage aren't I soz!
27 Jul, 2014
That's ok Daylily. I've bought two Ligularia Desdemona which look lovely against the backdrop of dark red ACer, and an Angelica Gigas. It all looks nice, and next year it will look super when the heights are corrected!
27 Jul, 2014
Heliopsis helianthoides
27 Jul, 2014
That's a great suggestion Badfish, and very similar to helianthus lemon queen which is already in situ. Thank you. :)
27 Jul, 2014
Filipendula 'Venusta' ?
27 Jul, 2014
Oh yes, that's a lovely one, but the wrong colour. I had that in my old garden. I chose LIgularia and Angelica Gigas in the end. :)
27 Jul, 2014
Sounds fab, look forward to seeing it :)
27 Jul, 2014
Hi Karen, how about some Aster novae-angliae, for some late summer colour, some of these grow to 5ft, Derek.
28 Jul, 2014
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« Does anyone have any idea what's eating my Gladioli leaves? There's no sign...
Crocosmia,'Lucifer' ,and Yellow Lysimachia,in front of them,for support? both tall,and look good together..but maybe you want something longer lasting? just a thought,but no doubt you will get lots more ideas,Karen..
26 Jul, 2014