By Hillc6
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
where would i be able to get an white arum lily plant from
12 Jun, 2010
I bought one from the internet (crocus). Bit more expensive cos you have to pay postage, but was satisfied. I live in Stoke on Trent, and did not risk leaving it out over the winter.
12 Jun, 2010
A lot of gardens that open to the public, and there must be several in your area, sell plants from their gardens. I'd have a day out visiting a few and make some enquiries if I were you. ( Our arums have survived minus 20C for the last two winters so they should be ok even in Yorkshire.)
12 Jun, 2010
thanks for the info, will have to browse round, a neighbour of mine has one which she leaves out all year round and it is beautiful. thaks once again
13 Jun, 2010
They're usually in the aquatic part of your Garden Centre, Hillc6. That's because the hardiest one - Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough' likes damp soil.
If you buy any of the others, I'm afraid you'll have to take them in for the winter.
I 'think' that 'Crowborough' should be OK in a sheltered part of your garden in your area, but you are a lot further north than me.
12 Jun, 2010