By Dorchester
United Kingdom
This is an acer I got very cheaply from a garden cetre sale. (They were moving).
This picture was taken today.
Is it reverting to 'wild'? Should I cut/tear off the darker bit with larger leaves?
Please ignore the garage next door. :)

12 Jun, 2010
Just been to look. The darker bit is one branch half way up the tree. There are lighter branches above and below. There is only one stem/trunk. I have just noticed that the end of that branch with the dark leaves, furthest from the stem, has the lighter growth.
12 Jun, 2010
Hi Dorchester, most of the Japanese acers are grafted, and from the way your is growing it was possibly grafted low down. I would remove the branch as otherwise it will spoil the look of the tree.
12 Jun, 2010
Should I tear it off rather than cut it?
12 Jun, 2010
It's too big to tear Dorchester you'll need to cut off as close to the trunk as possible with loppers.
12 Jun, 2010
OK, thanks for that.
12 Jun, 2010
Beautiful tree by the way!
13 Jun, 2010
Previous question
has it been grafted, can you see that the darker and lighter are from separate areas, lower /higher up the stem?
12 Jun, 2010