By Lynneg
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Long shot.Driving home today I noticed several gardens with a lovely shrub.As it was only a fleeting glance I didn't get a good look.It had dark green leaves with pink flowers .which reminded me of busy lizzy.It was maybe 3ft x 3ft.I know it's not not a very good description but thought it was worth asking.Thanks.
30 Jul, 2014
It's herbaceous rather than a shrub but the wild-flower Giant Willowherb (not the common Rosebay WH) can be quite impressive with pink flowers like a Busy Lizzie. And about the size you describe.
30 Jul, 2014
Can you stop on the way home and get a photo? Wouldn't expect several gardens all to have the willowherb unless they are all unenthusiastic gardeners!
Just had a thought - were the leaves very small? If so how about a pink potentilla?
30 Jul, 2014
Thanks for replying.From the fleeting glance I think the leaves were bigger than potentilla__round to oval .Will try and spot them again.May even knock on a door and ask.I need this shrub!!!
30 Jul, 2014
Phlox paniculata ???
30 Jul, 2014
Let us know won't you?
30 Jul, 2014
Just spent an hour googling!Driving myself crackers!Bit silly really as it was such a quick look but if I find out will post on here.Many thanks everyone.
30 Jul, 2014
30 Jul, 2014
Escallonia looks a strong possibility.Thanks
30 Jul, 2014
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Maybe it was a busy lizzy - the New Guinea kind. At this time of year, it's difficult to guess because some of the summer planting is big by now.
30 Jul, 2014