By Afban
London, United Kingdom
Can any one tell me the name of this Hydrangea please? (bottom 2 photographs) It is over 5' in height and the branches appear to grow horizontally in form. I has white, flat, upward facing flowers.
I am sure it isn't the petiolaris as I have a photo of one of those from the same garden (see 1st photo below) - the flowers are very similar but the leaves are very different, more toothed and deeper and narrower veined.
I have looked up the seamanii and the leaves aren't toothed so it can't be that one either...
hmmm, foxed! Thank you for your thoughts and replies though.
Many thanks. Alison
On plant
- 13 Jun, 2010
Hydrangea petiolaris? looks like my mine but much much bigger? I dont think its Hydrangea Seemannii?
13 Jun, 2010
2nd picture looks like Viburnum plicatum 'Lanarth', not Hydrangea
13 Jun, 2010
Thank you! You are absolutely right! I had been told it was a Hydrangea and have searched and searched and couldn't find which one - now I know why! I have searched images of Viburnum plicatum 'Lanarth' and this is definitely the plant.
Hurray! Thank you very, very much!
13 Jun, 2010
I can see why it could be mistaken for hydrangea from the flowers, but the leaves shout "Viburnum"!
13 Jun, 2010
Is the first picture the same plant as the 3rd pic then?
13 Jun, 2010
No, Drc, the 2nd picture is the same as the bottom one. They look quite different from the Hydrangea in the first one.
13 Jun, 2010
13 Jun, 2010
oh Alison, you got there a bit late... it was just looking wonderful in full bloom I would say a week earlier... all I know it is plicatum... there is not enough labels in the gardens, but it's much better recently...
24 Jun, 2010
Thank you everyone for all your comments and help.
Bamboo is right, the 2nd and 3rd pictures are a Viburnum plicatum 'Lanarth' and the consensus was that the top one is the Hydrangaea petiolaris. I haven't been back to the gardens to check the little feet to see how it climbs. Thank you gain for your help and sorry about the confusing mix up of photographs. Alison
4 Sep, 2010
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It looks like one I've got in my garden (it's absolutely huge but was already in the garden when we bought the house). Does it have little feet-type things on the underneath that it uses to cling to stuff? If it's the same one, I know it's a climbing hydrangea but what it's called I've no idea.
13 Jun, 2010