curry plant
By Madeline
United Kingdom
i have a curry plant in my garden which has grown quite large. can i cut it right back at the end of season without ruining it or should i take cuttings.
20 Jul, 2008
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You should take the semi-ripe cuttings about now, and place them in a cold frame - but leave the hard prune until spring.
21 Jul, 2008
Now here is a thing. Does a'curry plant' in this context mean a Helichrsum (grey leafed, yellow flowered thing) or the true plant which produces Curry leaves?
21 Jul, 2008
Good thinking, Owdboggy, I assumed it was Helychrisum!
21 Jul, 2008
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You could do both.Cuttings root quite easily. When cutting back, make sure that there is new growth below where you cut. That way there will be something to grow away afterwards.
21 Jul, 2008