By Gardenereric
United Kingdom
Why are the flowers on my hydrangea turning green after a lovely show of white?

4 Aug, 2014
They are still very attractive aren't they? Much nicer than what happens for faded blue ones.
4 Aug, 2014
Thanks a lot Owdboggy. Wife has been blaming me for having them too near other plants.
4 Aug, 2014
Lol.We women can be very hard on you men...
4 Aug, 2014
and some times deservedly so :o)))
You can cut them off and let them dry and if desired they can be sprayed silver/gold for decoration. Not my personal choice but it is a common thing to do.
4 Aug, 2014
That's for sure Steragram. I still trying to work out how you are always always right even when wrong.
4 Aug, 2014
Oh dear, don't be bitter Eric! Women gardeners at least do make mistakes and admit it! So get your OH into gardening herself - there's a challenge for you.
4 Aug, 2014
She already is Steragram. I am only her consultant. Lol
5 Aug, 2014
My wife is always right and if I can show she is wrong, then it is because I misunderstood what she said in the first place.
5 Aug, 2014
Lol Owdbogy, I like it! Ah well Eric, not much you can do about that then...
6 Aug, 2014
Fairly standard behaviour for white Hydrangeas. It means the flowers have done their job and are beginning to go over.
4 Aug, 2014