What is wrong with my Agapanthus?
By Crystalb984
South Carolina,
United States
This is my first attempt at gardening. I planted a variety of plants about a month ago. The only one I am concerned about is the Agapanthus. It gets lots of afternoon sun. It has been rainy the last couple weeks. Could someone judge by the pictures if the issue could be water, sun, disease? Most of the plant looks ok, but the few leaves have me worried.

4 Aug, 2014
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« Why are the flowers on my hydrangea turning green after a lovely show of white?
Looks like overwatering to me. In the UK I would add drainage (grit/vermiculite) but in the US, with you colder but dry winters I would be less fussy.
There are 2 main varieties: evergreen and deciduous. Deciduous agapanthus species come from colder regions and are generally hardier. The evergreen species are from milder parts of ZA which have higher rainfall. These varieties tend to be less hardy and may not remain evergreen if the winter is very cold.
I cover both with straw in winter to help them along winter.
4 Aug, 2014