By Benda
United States
I bought some some peacock orchid bulbs at a big lots store...according to the package, I plant them in the spring after 1st frost...will they hold in the pkg til then or should I plant them in pots in the house now?
5 Aug, 2014
Dear Seaburngirl, Thank you so much for responding to my question. So you think I should plant them in several small pots with potting soil and place them in a cool frost free area, then move them when the last frost comes next spring? So do you feel I should place them all in one large pot, or singly in separate I said, I am very new to gardening, so......Thanks again, and I hope to hear from you again. Also, while I have you, my brother wants to give me his June roses, that were my father's. He died when I was 9 years birthday...My sister-in-law is tired of caring for them...Is there anything I need to know regarding these red roses that only bloom once a year? Thanks again, my friend!
7 Aug, 2014
Hi again regarding the peacock orchids Id personally plant them in 5s or 6s. I do the same with gladioli. I use a tomato pot its a tall pot that holds about 3litres of compost. fill the pot half full than put the bulbs [biologically they are corms but that doesn't matter:o)] 4 round the edge and 1 in the middle [like a 5 on a dice] and then cover with the same compost . ordinary multipurpose compost will be fine. keep the compost barely damp over the winter and then in the spring they will then grow away. I tend to plant the pot in the place where I want them to flower. I then can lift the pot and the corms after flowering and keep them frost free the following winter. They will tolerate temps down to -2 if planted 5-6" deep. Depends on what your hardiness zone is I guess.
As for the roses the best time to get them is in the autumn before the frosts. Lift them with as much soil as possible but most will drop off. . Dig a good sized planting hole at least half as big again so the roots can spread out. mix in some multipurpose compost with the soil and a hand full of fish/blood and bonemeal [or something similar] then plant them at the same depth as they were in the other garden, spreading the roots out as you go. they will be woody so don't be worried about that. Firm them in with the heel of your boot and water well. At this point I would also prune them down by half so they don't suffer from wind rock.
Come the spring March time prune again down to the bottom 3rd outward facing buds. Then let mother nature do her thing. Alternatively lift from your brothers garden in Feb/March and plant as mentioned. Unless the ground is frozen then wait until it thaws.
hope this helps.
10 Aug, 2014
I'd put them into pots in a cool frost free place so they don't start into growth too soon.
6 Aug, 2014