By Sgt411
Isle Of Wight, United Kingdom
I have been away from the garden for about 9 weeks and on my return I found this weed (?) growing in the garden.Please can you tell me what it is and is it dangerous/toxic. Thanks
- 8 Aug, 2014
But they are very pretty and interesting. We have lilac coloured flower ones.
I know it's toxic, but so are so many other plants in the garden - Monkshood, Laburnum, Foxglove, Snowberry, berries on potatoes, wild deadly nightshade,wild Bryony, Hemlock - well the list is just endless!
We could probably murder half the country with what we grow in the garden!
10 Aug, 2014
Previous question
« FAO Thorpist, Varigated poplar. The "leaf minor damage" that was posted...
Datura. Thorn apple. Yes it is toxic, especially the fruit.
8 Aug, 2014