By Russponderay
United States
can pink ruffles poppy seed be used for baking
8 Aug, 2014
The seed for culinary uses comes from Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy. That means that while you cannot grow it, the seeds you buy have very low levels of the opium chemical.
9 Aug, 2014
so the opium poppies we grow in our gardens then cant be used for its seed? why not or is it a culinary variety that is grown.
not really given it any thought. When I have seen fields of scarlet poppies I always assumed that was for the culinary trade.
9 Aug, 2014
Took a closer look at this and the seeds from opium poppies and non-opium poppies can be used for culinary purposes.
9 Aug, 2014
Most places ban the cultivation of opium poppies, especially in the US where Russponderay is. A few years ago, T&M and all the other major seed sellers deleted the opium poppy types from their catalogs in the US. I searched around the web and couldn't find any references to any seeds other than P. somniferum being used for culinary purposes.
9 Aug, 2014
Not sure. I think that it would be better to use the seed for growing in your garden for next year and going to an oriental food store for poppy seeds for your kitchen this year. I'm sure that there are other GOY members that would give you an answer that would right on target though. Now you've got me hungry for poppyseed Babka!:) Welcome to GOY! Oh, allow me to ramble on a bit more: I lived in Manhattan, New York City, for many years and every Saturday morning I would take a walk to a local polish bakery a buy a big bag of stale crusty poppyseed babka strips to dip into my coffee for breakfast and that's as good as it gets.
9 Aug, 2014