By Last_rose
United Kingdom
For 2 years now I have been repeatedly treating rapidly spreading ground ivy with Roundup then SBK but although some turns a bit brown the growth and spread continues. I used this method rather than just pulling it up as I understood it would carry the poison to the roots and stop regrowth. But with the poison having so little effect I decided today to start pulling it up and to my horror under the carpet of ivy and just below the surface of the ground are billions of little peanut like seeds! I've probably been a bit naive but I didn't realise Ivy had seeds, I thought it just spread through underground rhizomes. I'm talking about quite a large area of garden. What can I do?
11 Aug, 2014
I wonder if the 'peanut' structures are lesser celandine corms. Do you have the pretty [pest] lesser celandine in the same area? if yes then this is possibly the structures.
Ivy (Hedra helix) has black hard dry berries in late summer. they flower in the winter when they are an invaluable source of nectar for the various flying insects.
11 Aug, 2014
A photo of the leaves as well as the "peanuts" would be useful as well, the three plants suggested are very different from each other.
11 Aug, 2014
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I think we'd better establish quite what you mean by 'ground ivy' first. Ground ivy is the common name for a perennial plant that spreads (Glechoma) but I've also heard it used to describe ground elder, or you may just mean ivy (Hedera) that is growing over the ground rather than up a tree or a fence.
If you can provide a photo of the 'peanuts', that would be useful - otherwise, are they peanut shaped as in monkey nuts, or elongated like a peanut out of its shell, or round, and what colour are they?
11 Aug, 2014