By Anneandjonny
United Kingdom
Does anyone know what this is in our garden? I'm thinking deadly nightshade so keeping a wide berth at the moment!

11 Aug, 2014
Great thanks for the info!
11 Aug, 2014
yes and if im not very much mistaken you have bind weed growing there as well.
11 Aug, 2014
Yes I thought so too. That's the heart shaped twinning leafed plant. I'd act on that with a glyphosate weed killer such as roundup to kill it off and its underground storage system. Now is a good time to spray it.
11 Aug, 2014
Deadly nightshade is a bush with black berries.
11 Aug, 2014
No nothing to worry about, though don't eat them as they are pisonous. it is the berry spike of a british wild flower common name lords and ladies or Jack in the pulpit or to give it its botanical name Arum maculatum.
If you leave them the birds may eat some or if they don't get eaten they will grow and you will get new plants. They can become a bit of a nuisance however as they have a corm underground.
11 Aug, 2014