By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I am trying to upload photos for a blog and I notice they have to be between 5kb and 3 mb .
didn't they used to be 5kb to 5mb?
most of the images my camera takes are 3-4mb and now they don't load unless I faff around with resizing them.
So have they changed the size or am I going dolalley?
11 Aug, 2014
Yes me to have to resize and it's a bit of a hassle every time.
Even if you only want to upload one photo need to resize all the time.
So this is why I am not doing as much here.
12 Aug, 2014
yet photos are still 5kb - 5mb. I assume previously uploaded large photos will not fit in a blog. That is going to be a shame really. I might ask the powers that be about it.
12 Aug, 2014
Let us know how you get on SBG please :)
12 Aug, 2014
They have probably reduced the size to save on bandwidth and storage space which cost money. I can only assume that this site has become so popular that the amount of data being uploaded is starting to create problems and slowing down their servers.
Pictures use far more more server space than text, so this makes sense. After all, it's not really necessary to have high resolution pictures for the size of pictures and all this extra size costs money for the people hosting this site.
I think that a picture resolution that equals about 100kb is more than sufficient for people to see.
12 Aug, 2014
In some ways that's fine but I use a lot of my photos at work where I do need the higher resolution. But the size of just photos has remained the same.
13 Aug, 2014
You know, last time I did a blog I thought the same and then thought, no it must be me!
That's why I haven't done a blog since then as it was a pain in the you know what to resize them all!
11 Aug, 2014