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East Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Found these growing today and I don't remember planting anything.
the leaves look like oversized crocus, green with a white stripe. they are about 12 inches long and 5/8" wide.

I've not excavated to see what the root stock type is.



Looks like that grass that spreads like mad but sorry can't remember the name. Pretty though.

11 Aug, 2014


Its not a grass but I know the one you mean. perhaps I will have to lift it and have a look.
I like Hemerocallis and I wonder if its one of them but it doesn't look like the typical foliage thought.

12 Aug, 2014


Yesterday I spotted something yellow growing in one of the borders, which I knew I had not planted, it was growing next to a daylily which I know I never planted either.Think the Millymole is pushing things around the garden, in fact I am certain that is what is happening. The yellow is Crocosmia George Davidson and it is in a border about 4 metres away from where the Mole has pushed it to. lol. I like her way of planting, think it is just how I am so she can keep on going. It saves me planting up the borders. lol. We have got moles all over in the field and the borders but fingers crossed (I know I shouldn't say it) they are not as yet in or pushing up in the grass pathways, they seem to just come up in the borders. Can be a nightmare though when you step onto the border and get a sinking feeling. I have nearly been upended on several occasions. lol. take my long handled fork with me now for support. lol. Sbg it does look a bit like a daylily but not certain. Haven't seen one with a stripey leaf before, maybe Simbad could help, she is sure to know if there is one with a stripe. :O)

12 Aug, 2014


Hi Sbg, if I remember rightly, I think there are at least 2 species of Hemmerocallis that have striped foliage, but can't think of the names at the moment, must be a senior moment :-) Derek.

12 Aug, 2014


I have Golden zebra and that is very variegated almost yellow & green. this just has a single white stripe like a crocus.

12 Aug, 2014


Had to call it something Sbg - think I heard the name once but it was a long time ago. Time will tell anyway.
It will be nice if it does turn out to be a day lily.

12 Aug, 2014


It reminds me of spring / or summer Snowflake.

13 Aug, 2014


I do have summer snowflakes but not in this border as this border is a yellow-red border. I wonder if it is a self sown job that is now getting to a noticeable size?

13 Aug, 2014

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