By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Anyone grow Pardancanda norisii?
I was told it was fully hardy and on investigating it is a zone 5-9 plant so sort of ok.
but any hints/tips on making sure it is going to survive our normal winters please?

11 Aug, 2014
that's a good point Derek. Gritty soil is the order of the day then. The compost it has been grown in has a lot of perlite in it.
12 Aug, 2014
Previous question
« Found these growing today and I don't remember planting anything. the leaves...
Hi Sbg, I have never grown these, but as it's in the Iris family, I should think it will be ok if planted in well draining soil, as you know the USA zone system doesn't really apply here, as their winters are usually a lot drier than ours, even if colder, so I think if anything would cause you to lose it, it would be wet, and not cold, Derek.
12 Aug, 2014