By Jayemsee
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
I'm trying to source Lycoris squamigera bulbs in the UK - anybody know where to find them??
On plant
14 Jun, 2010
Thanks Spritzhenry I'll give them a go :o) x
15 Jun, 2010
Did you have any success with yours by the way??
15 Jun, 2010 what? Lycoris? I haven't grown them myself, Jay....I just looked a supplier up for you! :-)
16 Jun, 2010
OK ta x
17 Jun, 2010
;-)) Good luck!
17 Jun, 2010
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I've found one Nursery who supply it by mail order.
Michael Agg & Jillian Agg
Priory Farm, 101 Salts Road, West Walton
PE14 7EF
Telephone (01945) 585051
I hope that they can help you.
14 Jun, 2010