Theres this weird blanket of cobweb over a pile of mulch at my house, I was just wondering if you knew what type of spider it was?

17 Aug, 2014
Could really be any spider, unless you go in with caution and thick gloves and big boots to find out.
Quite amazing though.
17 Aug, 2014
Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a spider can.
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies.
Look out! Here comes the Spiderman!
17 Aug, 2014
Could be a good mass of spider mites. Take a close look. Don't worry nothing is going to jump out of the pile and start sucking your face. Hopefully.
17 Aug, 2014
The webbing may not be from a spider, but from a tent caterpillar; to be honest, as you're in Australia, I'd be very concerned in case it is spiders of some sort, since you have some very nasty spiders out there. I've no idea what it can be, it looks horrendous, and doing a quick bit of research has thrown up nothing much. Is there not some local resource you can ask about this? Maybe something like our Environmental departments, or alternatively, Forestry Commission of some sort?
17 Aug, 2014
Calm down Bambo. The streets are not littered with the shriveled dead with no one left to procreate. No need for creation of a new Botany Bay settlement. I'll bet you they have more trouble with bee stings. It really looks like spider mite tenting though. Katie can you take a closer look please and while your doing that, I'll go get the smelling salts.
17 Aug, 2014
I don't think Kate really gives a XXXX. LOL.
17 Aug, 2014
See my latest blog Myron.
17 Aug, 2014
I read it Loosestrofe, and I suppose you could say that there's a moral to his demise, which is... Curiosity might kill the cat, but add stupidity and the promise of lots of money to the equation then it's more than probable it will.
17 Aug, 2014
Thanks for your comments everyone, Whilst digging through I came across lots and lots of tiny black spiders which I think may be the cause. They weren't as small as spider mites so I'm thinking it was probably just a spider nest probably for a funnel web as there were tubes of web into the pile. Don't worry nothing jumped out at me and all the nasty critters are usually hidden away and you hardly ever see them haha so don't worry bamboo Australia isn't as bad as people make it out to be!
28 Aug, 2014
It's all those stories you hear about redbacks hiding under the toilet seat! and I'm somewhat phobic about spiders anyway, something I've had to wrestle with over the years. Although Australia is the one country I really would have liked to see...
28 Aug, 2014
Dunny spiders, LOL.
28 Aug, 2014
Gawd knows but i bet it's big !!!!! Wouldn't get me anywhere near it unless i had a flame thrower !!!
17 Aug, 2014