By Pyroart
United Kingdom
can anyone tell me what this bush is please , its a prolific grower was in my property when I moved in .
- 17 Aug, 2014
Are you sure about that Bamboo? It looks a bit yellow/green in the leaf to me. I would go for one of the shrubby Lonicera myself, but..............
17 Aug, 2014
I have one in my garden and it produces white berries.
17 Aug, 2014
Symphoricarpus (rivularis) seems to put up 2 different types of growth....the taller shrubby plant that produces berries and the one in the photo which seems to occur when it's regularly cut down and allowed to regrow. It's a nightmare and may i suggest a damn good dose of roundup !!!!!!
17 Aug, 2014
Yep, I'm sure Owdboggy - spent years hacking these back and trying to get rid of them in some places.
17 Aug, 2014
It's Symphoricaripos - the commonest one produces white berries, grows well in shade, but its very invasive.
17 Aug, 2014