By Alextb
London, England
Could someone please tell me the name of this young shrub?
The pot is only temporary, as I think I am correct in thinking that it will grow quite large.
- 24 Aug, 2014
I think Holly (Ilex) too Alex.
24 Aug, 2014
I think it might be Osmanthus heterophyllus :)
24 Aug, 2014
My first thought is Osmanthus.
24 Aug, 2014
I agree with Hywel and Botanic..Osmanthus..It looks very similar to is sometimes known as False Holly..
24 Aug, 2014
Yes, it's an osmanthus. Possibly O. heterophyllus.
24 Aug, 2014
It should be ok in your pot for a while,Alex,but maybe better in the ground..Mine came through those two bad winters,no problem..any reasonable soil,well drained,sheltered from north or easterly winds,would be good..It has only grown a bit bigger and wider than yours ,as it was a gifted cutting from GoY member,Shirleytulip :o)..very nice plant :o)
24 Aug, 2014
You are correct, it will grow quite large. My 10 year old Osmanthus planted in the garden is 5 feet tall and approx. 4 feet wide.
25 Aug, 2014
Thank you everyone for your answers. Osmanthus rings a bell.
Thank you very much to everyone for taking the time to answer the question.
25 Aug, 2014
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Hello looks like a type of holly. Sorry cannot be more precise.
24 Aug, 2014