By Kentishman58
United Kingdom
Attractive yellow perennial but what is it?
this has suddenly appeared this year in the garden. I havent planted it but is quite appealing. Please can anyone enlighten me on what it is and if a perennial can i take cuttings to propogate? Thanks alot

24 Aug, 2014
It is evening primrose. Watch it carefully in the early evening as you will see each new flower gently unfolding over a couple of minutes. It is like watching time lapse photography.
No need to propagate. It will spread by itself from seed. In my garden I have to pull many of the new plants up each year to keep on top of it. I always keep a few though.
25 Aug, 2014
Thanks very much i will look forward to seeing where the seeds sow for next year! Will also get the deck chair and beer and spend time observing in the evening!
25 Aug, 2014
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« I'm getting married next April and want to have different types of daffodils...
It's Oenothera biennis
(Evening Primrose)
I think it is propagated by sewing the seeds.
24 Aug, 2014