Help !!!
By Jeanthomson
Im new at this gardening stuff.
I'm really trying to make the front of my house look alive !
Is it to late to plant anything now. If not what could i plant.
I live in Ontario , Canada. The weather right now is still nice.
We have had one frost already.
Please help if you
I want to have a green thumb too !!
4 Nov, 2007
Why not grow some flowers etc in tubs in your front yard? At least you'd have something pretty to look at and to brighten things up until spring. You could also plant bulbs especially tulips, it's not too late for those. It's also a good time to plant trees and shrubs while they are dormant, but I think it may be too late for perennials to get established if you are getting frosts. As Andrew says, it's possibly worth trying, but be prepared for some failures! Take a trip to your local Garden Centre and see what's in flower.
4 Nov, 2007
Thanks , AndrewR & spritzhenry
Andrews, its -1 here
5 Nov, 2007
Why not try some plants with attractive winter twigs such as Cornus vars, Salix vars, contorted hazel.
9 Nov, 2007
How cold does it get in your average winter? Normally, you should not consider planting when there is frost in the soil but if you have only had one frost so far, you might get away with it if you are quick
4 Nov, 2007