Wondering !!!
By Jeanthomson
I just turn my front yard soil over and removed the weeds.
( The front yard was over ran with weeds from neglect)
I was wondering if it was to late to seed it ?
If its not what would be the best way of going about it.
If its to late, would sod be the best way to go . Would i need to put anything down on the soil first?
I live in Ontario, Canada and the weather is still nice here.
We already had 1 frost .
4 Nov, 2007
If you are starting to get frosts, it is probably too late to seed or turf your front yard now. Wait until spring when the first weeds start to appear (yes, I know you have removed them all but there will be weed seeds in the soil - once they start to germinate, you will know the soil is warm enough for you to start working with it)
4 Nov, 2007