By Oddbillie
United Kingdom
Any idea what this may be growing up by one of my conifer trees? Not seen it before!

15 Jun, 2010
arum italicum, lords and ladies as weeding suggests..
15 Jun, 2010
they are rare are they
15 Jun, 2010
Well, well....I never!
Just read what I've just found on the BBC Gardening website....note the last sentence..LOL!!
Also known as 'Pictum', this is an attractive plant with large, arrow-shaped, glossy green leaves that are heavily marbled with cream and, in time, make a dense carpet that covers the ground from late autumn till mid spring. In spring the pale green spathes grow well above the leaves, followed in autumn by a display of vivid red berries. The plants grow particularly well in moist shade under trees and shrubs. Within a few years they build up to form large clumps, and, once mature plants start flowering and fruiting, self sown seedlings may appear. The Royal Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
Thanks all. I nearly cut it off as I thought it was not a good thing!
15 Jun, 2010
It's nice to see the photo - brought back happy memories of walks with my parents when spotting one of these was a treat.
20 Jun, 2010
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its common name is "lords and ladies" or "jack-in-the-pulpit". Those berries go a very pretty bright orange, poisonous I believe.
15 Jun, 2010