By Groovy1975
New Jersey,
United States
Baby Papaver Somniferum plantings falling over, I NEED help with watering AND lighting scheduling. Right now I use a spray bottle and water them lightly every few hours. I try to give them sunlight but I am careful NOT to let them burn. This is the FIRST time I have tried this so I have NO IDEA what I am doing! This is from NJ - climate

15 Jun, 2010
Thanks, sorry I wasn't trying to come off shouting, just frustrated, I spend SO much time babying them and I want to see what kind of flowers they will make (I was given them seeds so I have no idea what they will look like other than poppy).
Yeah my camera stinks, I am uploading a clear new picture now, thank you for replying!
15 Jun, 2010
Hi Groovy the photo still isn't good, there seem to be a few cotyledons showing but now actual formed leaves and the soil looks very wet. When did you actually sow them?
This site has useful advice for growing this particular poppy:
Probably too late for this year now, have a go at growing again next spring and sow seed outside as well if at all possible.
16 Jun, 2010
I find they thrive on neglect. scatter the seed directly where you want them to flower and water making sure the soil doesnt get too dry. still not to late to scatter some for a later show of flowers.
16 Jun, 2010
Agree SBG
16 Jun, 2010
Thanks everyone, I finally was able to get a closeup picture which you can see it is simply falling over.
My question is, how much sun do I give them?
Also what about watering, right now I am spraying them 3 times a day with a spray bottle to keep the wet but not soggy.
hat am I doing wrong :(
18 Jun, 2010
Do as Seaburngirl told you sow outdoors where you want them to flower and water enough to stop the soil drying out. They are far more likely to grow that way. As they are an outdoor plant they need all the sun they can get when they are growing.
18 Jun, 2010
Sounds like good advice: sow, forget, drink beer/tea. Chill.
Let the sun do it's own thing!
Maybe they were a bit damp and unhappy in that pot. Hope they put on a great show for you.
19 Jun, 2010
Hello Groovy, neat avatar.
Unfortunately I can't see anything growing here - ?
I think though, if you ask politely - no need to SHOUT, lol, someone more knowledgeable on here will surely help you. (Too much shouting will stress your plants). Good luck.
Don't panic.
15 Jun, 2010