United Kingdom
Can someone kindly identify this caterpillar for me please. Could it be a tomato hornworm?
Thank you.

29 Aug, 2014
It was on the ground right next to a potato mound which is also close to one of my tomatoes, it was less than a meter away from my tomato plant.
The reason I ask if it could be a hornworm is because recently two of my tomatoes had large chunks bitten from them. The damage could also have been from slugs or the hedgehogs which visit my garden, I am not sure.
Any help with identification of this caterpillar would be appreciated, thank you.
29 Aug, 2014
From it's head, it looks like a caterpillar from the Polyphemus moth (Antheraea polyphemus), but I'm not so sure.
29 Aug, 2014
Previous question
Tomato Hornworms have a spike (horn) on their head.
Maybe someone can tell you which caterpillar this is.
What plant did you find it on?
29 Aug, 2014