By Tanti
United Kingdom
what can ii plant for colour all year round
31 Aug, 2014
Ornamental cabbage has gotten me through to early winter with some color. After that, all I could think of was planting anticipation of spring in my head.
31 Aug, 2014
Feb to april....spring bulbs + spring bedding (pansies etc)
April to may....Wallflowers
May to end Oct...mix of herbaceous perennials and summer bedding
Oct to Feb....foliage shrubs such as fatsia, Phormiums and winter bark colour.
31 Aug, 2014
The old favourites Euonymus fortunei in Gold and Silver along with heucheras
31 Aug, 2014
Hurray, that's what I was thinking of as well. Put some tulips in between.
31 Aug, 2014
That's a great idea Sue
1 Sep, 2014
There are a couple of berberis - Sieboldii and Orange Rocket - and, if you can find it, Mahonia Moseri which have good foliage colour changing through the seasons from bright green to red. With flowers and berries for added appeal.
Try an Internet search for "year round garden colour"
Do you want shrubs that change through the year or a selection of different plants with seasonal interest?
1 Sep, 2014
Previous question
Or a lawn?
31 Aug, 2014