By Dawnwood
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
i bought a plant which was initially eaten by slugs. when it grew back the plant has 2 different colours of flowers on it, and also one flower which is split half and half into 2 different colours. Is this normal

1 Sep, 2014
Isn't that a Dahlia ?
1 Sep, 2014
Yes and it happens to Dahlias too. Sometimes the new colour is a good variation and worth propagating from cuttings.
1 Sep, 2014
... And you might end up with a Tri-colour.
1 Sep, 2014
If the original color was the darker one, the lighter, speckled parts might be a sign that the plant was infected with a virus. If the original color was the speckles, those are frequently a "chimaera", with cells from two different cultivars mixed together in their growing points. Occasionally--especially after severe injury--chimaeras will sort themselves out, with some branches suddenly bearing solid color flowers from one kind of cells only. That happens when a plant with variegated leaves suddenly produces shoots with all green or all white leaves.
25 Sep, 2016
It happens from time to time and is not unusual in zinnias. Has nothing to do with it being eaten by slugs if that is what you are thinking.
1 Sep, 2014