By Lou567
United Kingdom
Hello - help please :) I have a roll top bath which I would like to fill with plants and have as a focal point in the garden. I would like some trailing and some grass style plants - quite contemporary and then be able to put some bedding plants in for summer and bulbs for spring. The only problem is the bath is deep and I do not want the soil to get too wet and soggy so worried about drainage. Anyone suggest any plants i.e.. ferns etc which don't mind soggy soil and are evergreen and possibly trailing? thank you :)

4 Sep, 2014
What a lovely bath, it would be in my bathroom with me planted in it if it were mine. Lol.
Suggest you cover the drainage hole with mesh then add a a couple of sacks of gravel before you fill it with soil, then you can plant it out with moisture loving plants.
Our very knowledgeable gardeners here on GOY will give you some ideas as to moisture loving plants.
4 Sep, 2014
If it's a plastic bath, which it looks like it is, then I would drill holes in the bottom for drainage.
4 Sep, 2014
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« Hi folks can I plant bushes at moment and my rose Paul's Scarlett is growing...
why not fill it 1/3- 1/2 full with polystyrene offcuts [from packaging etc] then you wont need as much soil.
4 Sep, 2014