By Ivysherlock
United Kingdom
I am over run with spiders several types and in the hundreds it is unbearable out there now. How can I get rid of them please.
5 Sep, 2014
It's busy time for spiders. We have webs and spiders everywhere as well. It's just part of the life- cycle of a garden, I'm afraid.
5 Sep, 2014
Their webs are beautiful and so carefully constructed. If you have a phobia, it's hard for you to love them in your garden. Just avoid the webs. Or if you need to, destroy the web in order to gain access. The spider will weave another one.
5 Sep, 2014
We get them across the steps outside the French window. I just break my way through, after checking the spider is a distance away! I used to hate spiders and although I wouldn't choose to handle one, I have got over my fear of them. I do understand your dislike of them, but they are very beneficial both outdoors and in (they keep the flies right down).
5 Sep, 2014
I look like the karate kid when I walk up my garden breaking the webs. lol. and you will hear me curse if I haven't seen the web before I walk through it. I wouldn't get rid of them though. I will say this year they seemed to have started a lot earlier and are still going strong.
5 Sep, 2014
I like spiders but there are hundreds of them everything is smothered I can't sit out as they are even in the garden furniture. I have brushed the fences to rid them of webs but need more help. Thanks for your answers so far I was wondering is there a natural spider remedy?
5 Sep, 2014
I get really cross when my daughter vacuums spiders in her home. I don't like them but I couldn't kill them. They do more good than harm so please leave them alone.
5 Sep, 2014
As Melch says - it's a busy time for them. They'll quieten down in a couple of weeks unless we have a sudden warm spell.
5 Sep, 2014
Sorry Ivy, looks as though you'll just have to go on holiday for an month...
5 Sep, 2014
thanks for all the suggestions I think I will go with the last one LOL I wish ,
6 Sep, 2014
Collect some conkers and distribute those near where you want to sit, see if that works - its said to work indoors, maybe it does outside too if you use enough.
6 Sep, 2014
Hmm, my elderly Mum has Conkers in the corners of her sitting room. Let's just say that last week I had to remove a huge Spider from inside a glass vase on her mantelpiece! I detest Spiders and had to put a duster on top of the vase, go outside and release it. Huge white web inside the vase ... eugh!
GoY member Gee and I had a conversation on here about the Conker theory ... apparently Spiders crawled over the Conkers in one test ........
6 Sep, 2014
I've never tried it - anecdotal evidence on the web varies - some people report spiders using the conker as an anchor for a web, others say they don't have a big spider problem since they started using them. Some people say you should drill a hole in them first, some say you need to leave the prickly case on, others say they work, but only while they're fresh. It seems, though, that peppermint oil mixed up in a spray is something they really don't like...but its usually sprayed on windowsills and doorways to keep them out of the home. There is a theory that some varieties of spider may not like conkers, but others are unconcerned.
6 Sep, 2014
how about actually studying them they are the enemy of your enemies . nature is wonderfull . if the spider gets a fly in its web they run strate too them and bite them . an earwig they rap them up carefully from a distance then bite them . a wasp there gone and if you try and act like a trapped insect bye touching gently or blowing on there web they drop or run off or shake so you cant see wear they are . not bad for just touching the web really . id be more botherd about your eyelash mites or the 1,500,000 bed mites you have really .
6 Sep, 2014
I do not want to kill them Noseypotter and never mind them in the house. Just these are becoming a real problem the webs shroud all my bushes and tress and flowers my garden furniture is smothered. I have never seen so many and different sorts too. Webs are stunning after rain when the sun shines on them so am aware of the beauty of nature. We have thousands of mites on our person and in our home we have to live with them. I would simply like to enjoy my garden without a spider weaving round me or in my drink.
7 Sep, 2014
lol just break the webs that are in the way they will soon move and have more to worry about from people than vise verser . if theres that many a photo mite be quit nice .
7 Sep, 2014
I can now tell you that the conker idea doesn't work. I found some on Saturday and dutifully distributed them in corners of the house - complete waste of time! Had to get the feather duster out.
10 Sep, 2014
I tried citronella as it was supposed to doesn't ...may try peppermint but outdoors it may not work either but don't want to hurt them. I had just asked my daughter to get me some conkers they have a huge tree opposite their house but see that doesn't work either. Still maybe the winter will take care of the problem. Thanks everyone.
14 Sep, 2014
these spiders only live a year normaly leaving young too grow the next . last winter the spiders never went but global warming springs to mind . why you think spiders don't live in conker trees I cant possibly imagine lol . getting the spider PROBLEM into perspective . if 2 flies were given ideal conditions with know predetors at all and plenty of food the ball of flies would be the size of the planet . anyone remember the swarm of green fly followed bye lady birds bighting people because theyed eaten them all ?
15 Sep, 2014
Big article in paper today saying we are overrun with spiders because it has been so dry these past two months. Spiders are good little creatures that eat all the undesirables, so we need them in the big scheme of things, especially in our houses as they eat up to 200 bugs a day. We must learn to live alongside them.
18 Sep, 2014
here here
18 Sep, 2014
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Do you mean in the garden? Just leave them be, they are catching all the unwanted bugs and tidying up the garden, they wont hurt you.
5 Sep, 2014