By Markafn
United Kingdom
I have a cordyline in my garden that has been hit bad by the frost , it seems to just be surviving , but there are 3 new shoots at the base , i would like to let them grow so it becomes a multi trunk tree, but my concern is that they are close to each other and will interfear with each other, if i leave them be will they grow ok ??

17 Jun, 2010
the other option is just leave them as they will be ok. they wont hurt each other as they are geneticly the same plant but as bamboo sais id cut the parent plant down .
17 Jun, 2010
Thanks , going to let them grow , hopefully get couple new trees, the main plant still looks tatty , but there is slow groth from the top , and i realy dont want to cut it down , was the fist plant i planted in garden and sort of sentimental..will give it few more months if the groth dont increase i will cut it down...fingers crossed for some sunny days and lots of rain.
20 Jun, 2010
if its growing its ok just wrap them all up winter and cut the dead leaves off.
20 Jun, 2010
Omg i seem to have another 4 plants growing at the base....the main trunk slill looks a sorry state.
21 Jun, 2010
just be patiant it will look amazing
21 Jun, 2010
Up to you really - I'd just let them grow as they are for a while, and I'd also be inclined to chop down the original, if its looking unattractive and unwell, and let the new growth take over. If they grow on some more, it might be possible next year to take a sharp knife and separate out individual plantlets, but you need to get some root section with each one, or they'll just die.
17 Jun, 2010