By Lynneg
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Climbing rose.My daughter has just discovered a climbing rose which had beautiful blooms which had forced their way through dense shrubbery.We have cut the shrubs down but the rose stems are bare for about 4 feet with the blooms at the top.Can it be cut down to nearly ground level to encourage bottom growth? It looks a bit like a palm tree at the moment.Thanks.
12 Sep, 2014
I agree. by gently bending the stems one way and then the other way as they grow, you slow down the sap and encourage blooms lower down.
12 Sep, 2014
Thank you for the help.Will do as suggested.
13 Sep, 2014
Climbing roses work better if the stems are bent horizontal and tied to a fence , look at how espalier apple trees are pruned, its similar to that
12 Sep, 2014