By Doddy555
Cheshire, United Kingdom
may be mad thing to ask but, is there any where online that shows pictures of plants ect, and how to plant and care for them, hope there is i am eager to learn, this is a new thing for me, an while i am recovering frompulled muscle in rib cage, i am on line al the time, i do hope there is such a site, fingers crossed for replys, also like watching videos on how to plant an care for them, hope you all dont think i am mad lol tae care.
- 18 Jun, 2010
gardeners world website is good
18 Jun, 2010
They are thousands of gardening videos on you tube just type the subject e.g. (growing tomatoes) and you should find something
18 Jun, 2010
Have you checked out Goypedia. Go to the bottom of any page and you will see an alphabet, click the letter of the plant you want to know about. There isn't any video but loads of photos and great advice!
18 Jun, 2010
thanks so much for all you replys, will be checking them all out,
thanks again everyone, what a great site this is very friendly and helpful.
18 Jun, 2010
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Hi Doddy - have you checked out the RHS site? Loads of good info there...
18 Jun, 2010