By Doddy555
United Kingdom
looking at cordyline how many differant one are there ?? love the red ones, love them all, but do they have differant names? mad thing to ask again folks sorry .
18 Jun, 2010
hi thanks very much does help a lot!! take care
19 Jun, 2010
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There's a huge number of them, Doddy. Pretty much all of the colored leaf forms have variety names, though green-leaf seedlings of C. australis apparently do the best outdoors in the UK. Most of the other species and hybrids would be better off as indoor or cool greenhouse plants there, though. C. terminalis makes an easy houseplant, if you have a humidifier for your heating system--it doesn't need a lot of humidity, but low very humidity causes burnt leaf tips, a common problem here in the desert. Varieties and hybrids of C. stricta are among the most colorful, and can go out in a cool greenhouse, as long as the temperature doesn't go below -6 degrees C. Seedlings of C. stricta are the "spikes" in many color bowls. We use C. indivisa here as a fragrant flowering shade shrub, but it's less frost tolerant than C. stricta, and so probably best as an indoor-outdoor plant in the UK. The Dracaenas are similar plants, but the most frost hardy of them is Dracaena draco, and I dont remember seeing it mentioned anywhere in GoY's UK member's input. Hope that helps!
19 Jun, 2010