By Doddy555
United Kingdom
can most plants grow in containers?
18 Jun, 2010
Agree with Dorjac, but would add that some plants are sensitive to cold through their roots, so don't make brilliant pot subjects, because not being in the ground means they're exposed to more cold, Fuchsia being a good example, so they would need moving to shelter for the winter.
19 Jun, 2010
thanks bamboo think i will keep to beding plants in pots , best thing i think??
take care
19 Jun, 2010
Not having a garden as such, I grow everything in containers Doddy. Bulbs, perennials, shrubs and bedding plants. The only thing I've not been very successful with is a climbing rose I bought. As Bamboo says, it's best to overwinter plants such as fuchsias, but on the whole I would just experiment. You can buy smaller plants quite cheaply and pot them on to a bigger pot as and when they need it. Happy gardening!....:o)
19 Jun, 2010
I got away with 3 fuschias in big pots last winter in a huddle with geraniums and in a double fleece tent. 2 of the survivors were standards of sorts. Anyone with a sheltered balcony could have a try at that. That was an experiment that worked. They are now growing on well with a head start.
19 Jun, 2010
thanks so much for your input. i will have a go at few things,
thanks everyone
19 Jun, 2010
Yes Doddy I would say so. You only have to go to some of the grander garden centres to see huge specimens presented in tubs and containers. They have obviously been potted up for some time. They need specialist handling and are hugely expensive. We vaguely know someone who has an amazing garden mainly with conifers and acers in very large pots. They are groomed to perfection and treated like huge Bonzai. In one of the recent monthly garden mags by RHS they propose roses in pots in association with all the usual sorts of plants that go in pots. I find the bigger the pot, the better the result.....good luck.
19 Jun, 2010