By Bloodnut
United Kingdom
Hi has anyone for a Acer Shirasawanum Jordan ?
I have just bought one and I have the perfect place for it.
The plant label says it will grow 5ft in height and spread in 10yrs which is fine.
However looking on some web sites it says it will grow 15to 20 feet! Which is not alright I think this maybe the case in other country's ?
So before I plant it I need advice if you can help.
23 Sep, 2014
I don't grow Jordan, but have Acer shirawsawanun Aureum in my garden. Had it 4 years and it hasn't grown more than 4 inches in that time.
I remember when I bought it the label said similar to yours but I then found out exactly as you did. I bit of research led me to find out that they are extremely slow to get going.
Member Louisa has a beautiful specimen in her garden but don't think she's around as much to tell you how old it is I'm afraid.
23 Sep, 2014
Hi thanks very much for taking the time to answer, I may check with the RHS and see what they say.
24 Sep, 2014
Good idea!
24 Sep, 2014
I think the 5 - 10 metres I told you above is far more likely than 5 foot, are you sure the plant label is in feet not metres?
23 Sep, 2014