By Dwg
United Kingdom
Some of my primulas which have been on the garden for years have grown enormous leaves this September. Have they reverted and what should I do with them?

23 Sep, 2014
No, it is a polyanthus form primula and a very healthy looking one. Nothing wrong with it, Dwg, and I would jst leave it alone.
24 Sep, 2014
Thank you Landgirl100 and Bulbaholic. Same has happened to plant in back garden, and I know it was a dormant primula. Must be all the rain and sun☺
24 Sep, 2014
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I think that is a teasel. Are there prickly bumps on the leaves? Teasel makes a lovely statuesque plant and bees and hoverflies love the flowers, but they do self-seed everywhere.
23 Sep, 2014